Programme - (21 October 2023 - Evening)

7:00 pm | Barocksaal
Final Celebration and Conferring of Prizes
Final Celebration and Conferring of Prizes

Highlights of the Festivals

The end of every mountain film festival in Tegernsee is marked by the grand award ceremony for competition winners. The winning films are presented by means of short sequences, and the jury members explain the reasons behind their decisions. Many of the winners accept their trophies in person. An occasion to celebrate together with all participants – film makers, jury, supporters, organisers and the evening’s special guests.

8:00 pm | Ludwig-Thoma-Saal
Wild Water - high Peaks
Wild Water - high Peaks

Pioniere, Legenden und Helden des Wildwassers – 50 Jahre Alpiner Kajak Club
(Pioneers, Legends and Heroes of Whitewater – The Alpine Kayak Club Turns 50)

Olaf Obsommer | Germany | 76 min | German

Pioniere, Legenden und Helden des Wildwassers – 50 Jahre Alpiner Kajak Club
(Pioneers, Legends and Heroes of Whitewater – The Alpine Kayak Club Turns 50)

Olaf Obsommer | Germany | 76 min | German

Over the 50 years of its existence, the Alpine Kayak Club has brought together the best kayakers of the Alps like no other organisation. In the area of security, the AKC from its beginnings set standards that have endured to this day. The film narrates its history in an arc from its founding in 1972 to the future, with ups and downs, legends, pioneers, wild encounters, insights into kayak film culture and spectacular first descents.


Ignasi López Fàbregas | Spain | 20 min | no spoken content


Ignasi López Fàbregas | Spain | 20 min | no spoken content

Marek Molek and Bruno Grassi are about to reach the summit of the “Great Troll”, the last and most difficult unclimbed mountain. A violent storm, exhaustion and poor snow conditions prevent them from reaching the top. While they argue about whether they should stand by the truth, special correspondent Mike Bacon fails to make contact with them and waits anxiously at base camp.

In 2018 the director received a Special Mention by the Jury for Viacruxis.

8:00 pm | Medius
Change of Perspective
Change of Perspective

Air Karakoram

Antoine Girard | France | 44 min | French/German subtitles

Air Karakoram

Antoine Girard | France | 44 min | French/German subtitles

Seven crazy friends set off for Pakistan. Their ingenious idea: summiting on Himalayan peaks via paraglider and having lots of fun while they’re at it. The scheme is simple – paragliders will allow them to reach high altitude mountains while getting acclimatised at the same time. And in order to kill two birds with one stone, they also try to break the world altitude record in paragliding by flying above 26,200 ft (8,000 m).


Guillaume Broust | Picture Organic Clothing | France | 59 min| French/German subtitles

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Guillaume Broust | Picture Organic Clothing | France | 59 min| French/German subtitles

On the routes of nomads and on the historic Silk Road, a group of snowboarders and freeriders embark on an expedition to one of Kyrgyzstan’s most remote corners. In the Kakshaal Too Massif in the Tien Shan Mountains, near the Kyrgyz-Chinese border, a number of unknown mountains and steep flanks beckon to be discovered. We witness an adventurous journey to their destination, then touching encounters with local people and their culture, finally fantastic powder slopes offering perfect lines and bold steep descents – all this propels the athletes into a state of bliss and into a space where time seems to have stopped.

For The Pathan Project the director received the German Alpine Club (DAV) Prize for the Best Film in the Category Mountain Experience in 2019.


Samuel Perriard Looping Film | Switzerland | 9 min | no spoken content


Samuel Perriard Looping Film | Switzerland | 9 min | no spoken content

A shepherdess awakes from a dream. In it, she saw a wolf approaching her herd. She devotes herself entirely to her work and looks after her sheep all summer long on a remote alp in Switzerland, completely exposed to nature and with great responsibility for the well-being of the herd. With binoculars, she searches the ridges of the surrounding mountains for the predator whose proximity she feels. When she finally comes face to face with the wolf, Queen, everything changes … A film about the relationship between humans and animals, about instincts and humility.


8:00 pm | Schalthaus
Alpine Poetry
Alpine Poetry

Märzengrund (Beyond the Alp)

Adrian Goiginger | Metafilm | Austria | 110 min | German

Märzengrund (Beyond the Alp)

Adrian Goiginger | Metafilm | Austria | 110 min | German

Elias ist ein ausgezeichneter Schüler und Sohn der reichsten Großbauern im Zillertal. Doch je mehr der 18-Jährige versucht, die für ihn vorgesehene Rolle zu erfüllen, desto stärker droht er daran zu zerbrechen. Er zieht sich in die Berge zurück, wo ihn die Wildnis und Einsamkeit der Natur erwarten. Hinauf auf den Märzengrund, wo der Kopf endlich zur Ruhe kommt – und der Körper sich nach und nach auflöst. 40 Jahre wird Elias im Gebirge bleiben.

Nach dem Theaterstück „Märzengrund“ von Felix Mitterer.

8:00 pm |
Retrospective: 20 Mountain Film Festival Years
Retrospective: 20 Mountain Film Festival Years

This evening will be dedicated to our winning films. Depending on the duration of this year’s winning film, which the jury will determine during the festival, we will first screen an award-winning film from previous years. Afterwards, as a special feature of our anniversary festival, we will screen the current main winning film of the 20th Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival. Enjoy both surprises!

Voyage au bout de l’hiver – Großer Preis der Stadt Tegernsee 2011
(Journey to the End of Winter – Great Prize by the City of Tegernsee 2011)

Anne and Erik Lapied | Lapiedfilm | France | 76 min | French/German subtitles

Voyage au bout de l’hiver – Großer Preis der Stadt Tegernsee 2011
(Journey to the End of Winter – Great Prize by the City of Tegernsee 2011)

Anne and Erik Lapied | Lapiedfilm | France | 76 min | French/German subtitles

Still, autumn reigns in Gran Paradiso National Park. But soon it starts snowing. The few local people and all animals have to adjust to a rough time. Among other things, to huge avalanches.

The documentaries of the Lapied family have won several awards in Tegernsee.





La quête d’inspiration: Alexandre Deschaumes, Photographies Éthérées

Mathieu LeLay | Mona Lisa Production | France | 52 min | French/English subtitles

La quête d’inspiration: Alexandre Deschaumes, Photographies Éthérées

Mathieu LeLay | Mona Lisa Production | France | 52 min | French/English subtitles

Landscape photographer Alexandre Deschaumes portrays his landscapes in a dreamlike and artistic way. A journey into “his” world is compelling, full of beguiling colours and contours. In it, his feelings are expressed in hauntingly beautiful images.

Mathieu LeLay received the Otto Guggenbichler Award for a Junior Film Maker as well as the Prize for the Best film in the Mountain Nature Category.




Asiemut – Großer Preis der Stadt Tegernsee 2007
(Asiamuth – Great Prize by the City of Tegernsee 2007)

Olivier Higgins, Mélanie Carrier | Canada | 56 min | French/English subtitles

Asiemut – Großer Preis der Stadt Tegernsee 2007
(Asiamuth – Great Prize by the City of Tegernsee 2007)

Olivier Higgins, Mélanie Carrier | Canada | 56 min | French/English subtitles

Olivier Higgins and Mélanie Carrier embark on an adventure journey of approximately 4,970 miles (8,000 km). They bike across Asia all the way from Mongolia to India. It means getting to know this part of the world as much as their own core selves.



Great Prize by the City of Tegernsee 2023

Winner's Ceremony 2022

Great Prize by the City of Tegernsee 2023

While this year’s prize winners are already celebrating at the Barocksaal venue, the Festival Tent screens the production receiving the award for overall best film in the current competition.