Press Release: Call for Submissions   –  29 February 2024

21st Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival, 16 to 20 October 2024

Submit films to the 21st Tegernsee Mountain Film Festival NOW

After last year’s anniversary celebrations, the Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival is reconfiguring its leadership for the upcoming 21st edition: Over the course of 2024, the mountain film festival’s long-standing artistic director Michael Pause will hand over his responsibilities to filmmaker and author Tom Dauer. Viewers anticipate the cinematic offerings at Germany’s only open mountain film competition with great excitement. The line-up will be decided over the course of the next three months: From now until 31 May, filmmakers from all over the world can submit their latest productions.  

The 20th International Mountain Film Festival in October 2023 rendered great cause for celebration to its organising team and visitors. The event has evolved splendidly over two decades, weathered the Covid pandemic well and is an obligatory date for mountain filmmakers around the globe. But: “Festivals age with their creators.” This is why Michael Pause seized the 20th anniversary as an opportunity to hand over the role of festival director to a competent and much esteemed colleague, the filmmaker and author Tom Dauer. Tom has been familiar with the festival from its inception and received his first award as early as during the second Tegernsee Mountain Film Festival in 2004. “He can and will develop the festival brilliantly and introduce new highlights.”

Meanwhile, preparations proceed unchanged for the 21st Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival from 16 to 20 October 2024. As always, the festival hosts invite national and international filmmakers to submit their latest mountain film productions from Germany and abroad. The festival team is looking forward to the whole range of films – to exciting action, touching stories, impressive footage and memorable characters. The mountain film genre is wonderfully diverse, ranging from short films to cinematic formats, from documentaries and docudramas to reports, portraits and feature films. Included in the festival’s thematic spectrum are alpine sports and adventure as well as culture and ecology. 

Submit new productions from around the world
Until the end of May, filmmakers can submit their latest productions from the mountain world. Productions can be submitted to three categories, which approach the mountains from different thematic angles. The first category, Mountain Experience, puts alpinism and sportive encounters with the mountains centre stage. The best film in this category is awarded the Prize by the German Alpine Club (DAV). Landscape portraits and investigations of environmental issues are the focus of the second category, Mountain Nature. Films in the third category, Mountain Life, take stock of ethnological and cultural aspects in the encounter between people and mountains. The best film across all categories will be awarded the festival’s main prize, the Great Prize of the City of Tegernsee (worth 3,000 euros). Furthermore, the most outstanding junior film maker (the author or director must be no older than 32 upon the film’s completion) will receive the Otto Guggenbichler Prize, named after the Mountain Film Festival’s founder. Finally, there are special prizes for the Most Outstanding Camera Work, for the Exceptional Film, and the Bayern2 Audience Award.

All further awards, endowments and the call for submissions can be found at: Further information and call for submissions: Sonderbüro Bergfilm-Festival Tegernsee, Rathausplatz 1, 83684 Tegernsee, phone +49(0)8022-1801-37 or -53,,