18th International Mountain Film Festival Tegernsee  –  Winning Films 2021

Great Prize by the City of Tegernsee (€ 3,000)
“Children of the Snow Land” by Zara Balfour, Marcus Stephenson (Großbritannien/Nepal)

Prize by the German Alpine Club for the Best Alpine Film in the Category of “Mountain Experience” (€ 1,000)
“Balandrau – Infern Glaçat (Balandrau – Frozen Hell)” by Guille Cascante (Spain)

Prize for the Best Film in the Category “Mountain Nature” (€ 1,000)
“Sur les traces da la panthère des neiges (On the Track of the Snow Leopards)” by Stéphan Jacques (France)

Best Film in the Category “Mountain Life” (€ 1,000) awarded by the Tegernseer Erdgas-Versorgungsges. (€ 1.000)
“Nomades d’Iran, l’institeur des monts Zagros (Nomads of Iran – The Shepherd childern’s Teacher) by Louis Meunier (France)

Otto Guggenbichler Prize for a Junior Filmmaker (€ 1,000)
“Alpine Highlines” by Valentin Rapp (Germany)

Best Camera Work (sponsored by Rotary Club Tegernsee)
“K2 – The Impossible Descent”, Camera: Bartek Bargiel (Poland)

Prize for the Special Film (sponsored by Rotary Club Tegernsee)
“El gran hito” (The Great Milestone) by Ignasi López Fàbregas (Spain)

Honourable Mentions by the Jury (non-cash prizes)
“Anche Stanotte Le Mucche Danzeranno Sul Tetto (Tonight also the Cows will Dance on the Roof)“ by Aldo Gugolz (Switzerland)
“Schwerelos – Das Leben ist Pfeifen (Weightless – Life ist o Whistle)“ by Thomas Senf, Daniel Anker  (Switzerland)
„Was sie wohl tun wird mit uns? (What Will This do to Us?)“ by Caroline Fink (Switzerland)

Bayern 2 – Audience Prize (€ 1.000,-)
„Das Riesending – 20000 Meter unter der Erde (Mega Cave – Six Thousand Feet Below Ground)“ by Freddie Röckenhaus (Germany)
„Hütt’n“ (Hut)“ by Philipp Marquardt (Germany)